Richard G. Hendrickson has seen his share of weather. That’s because the 101-year-old has been logging weather data on his farm in Long Island, New York, since the Hoover administration.
Last month, Hendrickson was honored by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) for his 84 years of service in collecting and reporting weather data. He received an award named in his honor at a special ceremony in Long Island on July 27.
Hendrickson is the nation’s longest-serving volunteer weather observer, according to I. Ross Dickman, a meteorologist who heads New York’s weather forecast office.
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Full Credits
Producer: Eileen Mignoni
Videographers: Jessey Dearing, Lauren Frohne and Eileen Mignoni
Editors: Eileen Mignoni and Nacho Corbella