I’m one of the few souls in the tri-state area who lives in New York and commutes daily to work in New Jersey. The “reverse commute,” they call it.
To get to work, I ride my bike from Fort Greene, Brooklyn, to Penn station in midtown. From there, I board a New Jersey Transit train to Montclair for another 40 minutes. I do this almost every work day of the year, regardless of the weather conditions, including down-pouring rain and, yes, even snow.
I was lucky to be able to work from home yesterday during the most recent snowstorm, but I couldn’t resist the urge to go on my usual morning ride anyway. My mountain bike is fitted with studded tires, which can handle snow seemingly better than any mass-transit train.
I attached a GoPro camera to my handle bars and rode over the Brooklyn Bridge and into lower Manhattan where people were on their way to work despite the heavy snow accumulating and the impending slushy mess.